
Kvothe Age Designs

I did some designs of "Kvothe" from Patrick Rothfuss' "the name of the wind" and subsequent books. He is the main character and you watch him grow and develop as the series goes on. I was thinking of animating a scene from the first book I found quit interesting, for this purpose I will need the second Kvothe there and one of his teacher's I will have to do later. I will have to scrounge time to finish this but it will get done eventually.

Go read this series, I love it.

Hope you like,


I mostly just wanted to own this shirt and I couldn't find what I wanted so I made it myself. Also, I guess this falls under another comic idea though maybe I should start calling the comics that have people as them as comics and the rest... things... I... make....with...hands, that attempt at useing my brain really fell apart there. Most of the "comics" aren't really comic like, I will have to rectify that... eventually... after the current batch is done.
If you want to get the shirt yourself you can order it with the link below with my blessing.

Comic 7 -"Knife"

Just, why is it there.... I don't even!!! What possible use could you have for it on a constant bases!

Anomaly Press Kickstarter Program

The graphic novel work I was doing a while back (or really just finished) has just released their kiskstarter program. If you don't know, kickstarter is a great way to raise funds for a project or find out if there's enough interest in the project to merit working on it. For The Canadians out there, Indiegogo is the Canadian equal. Anyways, check it out to see some cool art and an intro to the story as well as what they intend to do with all of it, pledge some money if wanna see it off the ground.

Hope you like,

Comic 5 "Your Pokemon is Evolving"

I was making this, feeling a bit weird because it feels like I'm reaching but at least it was looking kinda cool and I thought original though maybe so original that it was crazy and I was the only one that would find it funny much less relevant enough to worth mentioning and then I find this as I just finish the "comic" (it's really just a picture, Not so much a comic, I can live with that)

Well I guess that means I'm not crazy, wait, having things in common with people on the internet probably defines my craziness But I think feel more justified being in a group of crazy people then not in a group at all.

Hope you like,

Comic 4

*Best viewed enlarged for maximum enjoyment*
I have some time to go back and do all the comic ideas I had but didn't finish for the past... 6 weeks! Man I'm lazy. Sorry for the lack of posts but I've been busy doing a lot of freelance work, the majority of which I am finished right now. So I am going to try to get as much personal projects done before they can find me and give me more work, the beggining of which is getting to where I should be with these comics.

Hope you like,

Anomaly Press Cover Speed painting

The Video from concept to finished of the Anomaly Press graphic novel cover. It's about 20 hours in 10 minutes so it can be kinda jurky in places. Should have left the frame blend on.

Hope you like,