
"Kung Fu Panda" Game WHHHaaaaat!?

So this was a really fun project to work on. I made all the art and animation for the game as well as... well lets just say everything you see in the game was done by myself. The programming and game mechanics are not my thing so that was done by some very talented individuals. The animations for Po and the effects are all traditional frame by frame animation, which was hella time consuming but super rewarding. Ki-Pa and pretty much everything else was flash animation, but I would think pretty awesome flash animation.

Went to go play the game today and noticed this little fella...

Well doesn't that just brighten your day. I assume this is for the game because their all over the same page and that would be awesome but I could be wrong.

Off to bask in the sweet glow of this, hope you like,

"Almost Naked Animals" Games

I made some more games! I did these a few months ago, it's 6 mini games around the series "Almost Naked Animals". A lot of the art and animation was already done because it is an existing show but I did do all the graphic design and the art and animation that turns the show into a game. I did not work on anything for the over-world  just the mini games and I haven't gone through the entire world so I don't know if all the mini games are mine but definitively the first few you encounter and it should add up to 7 games in total I worked on.

Later on I will go through and do more of a showcase of the art and animation I made for these but there is a lot to show and I can't be bothered right now.

I suppose I should say, I do not own "Almost Naked Animals" or any of the art and please support the show!

I'll just put these here. Here is some of the art from my Giving Arcade's "Sweet!" video. This has been in the files for quite some time, feels good to be able to finally air it out. 
Hope you like,

I video I made about 2 years ago. The company is about to launch this November in the apple app store.

"Thats Kal" Header animation

The header animation that I couldn't actually put as the header. All for the best I suppose because it would bog down mobile users and iphones would just get an ugly blank spot but here it is, for the enjoyment of your eyeballs!
There is a spot of code in there that loops the animation after I come out of the rings, so don't bother waiting to see the countdown or the entrance, it was meant to have an intro but be mostly a header. You'll have to reload the page to see the intro again.

Hope you like,

Test and Testing

I was testing to see if I could put up .swf files onto blogger and you can, if you know the flash code and what to swap out. Now if I can just find a more stable place to put the files.... hmmmm
Oh, and the images and animation here are for a test.

The Cozmix Trailer

The video I've been sort of working on is up on this site. I also did the little Easter egg animations on the site. The trailer and animation was done by myself but the planets are done by... Frank (I'll get back to you about a last name) and the character design and final art is done by Lauren Rowlands 

Hope you like,

Spongebob Games

I've been waiting for these Spngebob games to come out and though I can't seem to find them on the actual nick and ytv websites. The links seem to be there but when you click on them they promptly take you to, not the games.
I can find them through google so I guess it must be ok. I did all the art and animation for these games, the game concept is by Gamepill and there is a lot of art sourced from the show and that should all be pretty obvious as their traditional paintings and such. Games and Art belong to Nickelodean.

A side note.
 I just finished a project by setting aside some others. I could probably show things from that project now because I'm pretty sure they were sending out a press release but I'm going to hold off until I'm a bit more certain about it. Should be a bit busy catching up on projects so I don't know if I'll have time to go back to my dailies and such but I'll try for my own peace of mind.

Hope you like,

Holy crap! Things I made!

Sorry I haven't been putting up the dailies but I've been preoccupied. Trying to balance 2 projects (one of them is very time consuming but awesome) and life. While you wait for me to stop being a flake, here is a game I did the art and animation for a few months ago. 

(psssst... the link for the game is the picture)

I was actually looking up some other games that are more resent and though I can kinda find them I can't get to the actual playable games so I guess their being put up right now. Hopefully by Monday I can show you some new stuff.

Your pal,

daily 01/03/2012

Look, it me! Thought I should update my profile picture and this was the easiest way. After all this time working on a tablet is like working with a broken arm. Should really invest in a cintiq.

Your pal,

daily 01/02/2012

Happy new year peoples! Had a bit of a lapse there as I went from party to party and project to project but I got something done today and it's monday, soooo... that's like a normal work week that normal people have. I'm going to have to start doing the dailies on a weekday basis just so I can get some work done and have the weekends to catch up. Anyways, This fine person is Shawna Jade Daigle and you can find some arts here:

Your pal,